Sunday, February 05, 2006

Google Blogger Book

CHE' n. book
nang sze (thai)

A new blog-book titled The Rational Guide to Google Blogger (written by W Lee) will be available from 1 March 2006. I have reserved 3 copies. Do you want one?

Well, to make life interesting and for my own, personal amusement, I have decided to start a competition. I will give one copy away to a Sisuahlai blog reader with the most interesting, original article on an interesting Hokkien word/phrase. Submit your entry to Pia! Pia! Pia!

The second copy will be given away to the first person to advertise on Sisuahlai's blog space. See details on the side-bar.

The last copy will be awarded to a blogger with the highest blog referrals to Sisuahlai in February. To give you a fair advantage, the count is effective from 6 February. blog was the highest referral site last month generating more than 200 visits for this blog-site in just one day! Kam sia, kam sia. How powerful is your link?

Retail price: £10.99 on Slightly cheaper on the US version,

Unashamedly Sisuahlai.


Blogger Wuching said...

i'll never win wan lah, so i give up! :(

February 06, 2006 7:27 AM  
Blogger said...

I want to enter on all categories and win all the prizes. LOL. Abuden hor, your Sarawakian Hokkien and our Penang Hokkien chuat thnee kah tay (different between heaven and earth). So, maybe I forget it la.

February 07, 2006 1:10 PM  

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