Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Strange marriage customs

TEH-KIN v. holding it back

Read this one, The Star: CAN you restrain yourself from clearing your bowels or urinating for three days and nights?

If you are thinking of marrying a member of the Tidong community, get permission from your bowels and bladder first. You can forget about it if you are a registered member of the incontinence society.

Tradition has it that members of this community, who originated in Kalimantan, Indonesia, prohibit newly-married couples from clearing their bowels or urinating for three days and nights, or from leaving their house during this time.

Now, we can deal with not leaving the house... but how do you control those biological urges for 72 hours?

I have the answer. For £7.99, I will dispatch it to your home address...

Sisuahlai. No need to teh-kin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhh... Yuks!

The men in the Tidong Community must all be having prostrate problems...

March 22, 2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger Wuching said...

but what if i need to 'pang sai'?

March 22, 2006 12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very easy Wuching,...instead of plugging it on ur lil bro, plug it up ur ass. But make sure u go on liquid diet lar...lau sai can...teng sai nanti jam. haha

March 22, 2006 2:13 PM  
Blogger Francis Ho said...

They are "Ti-GONG" not "Tidong"!
"Su ku kia!"
"Tu Nau"!
Plain stewpig if u asked me ...

March 22, 2006 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lu lang cin nah geli laaa...sai ki sai lok...sisuahlai eh blogspot pi gau kanasai eh ti huew ki

March 23, 2006 5:41 AM  

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