Friday, April 21, 2006

Let's Do Something Good for Sarawak

SEEM n. heart, soul

Let's do something good for the People. Laughters alone won't feed the needy. Have you heard about the guy who swapped a red paperclip for a house? Completely pointless, but he succeeded nonetheless.

Let's do something similar among us- bloggers and blog-readers in Sarawak, Malaysia and All Over The World.

Let's nominate an association/charity body that we could help, or rather need our help. Then we will all chip in, by doing swaps among us, until a target sum of RM5000 is achieved. Can?

Are you in?

Who shall we help?



An ex-schoolmate sent this attachment. I cannot stop laughing and I am talking about a good 16 hours later...

A very special thank you to Wolfgang and Brigitte from Munich for this picture.

Hmm, did you just say that the manggis come from the Sarawak Hornbill? Yes, it makes perfect sense.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen a kid wearing a T-shirt with the same kiwi cartoon :p

April 19, 2006 10:48 AM  
Blogger Francis Ho said...

I'm in! :)

April 19, 2006 3:13 PM  

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