Friday, April 21, 2006

Let's start swapping

GO-CHENG n. 5000

Ok, let's get started.

I am going to swap my 1869 James Brooke stamp (value: approx. RM120-RM180, check this Kuching auction site) for YOUR ITEM.

Right, once we achieved our target RM5000, we will give it away to medical charity bodies.

Email me at for your swap.

Update 4pm Malaysian Time 19 April:

Sisuahlai has successfully swapped the James Brooke stamp for:

A "Personalised Irraaddy Dolphin Watching Trip with FH2o"

Thanks for the swap Francis.

Now Sisuahlai is looking for the next generous person for this kayaking experience swap.

Will you be the next person to swap?


Blogger Francis Ho said...

My Swap:

"Personalised Irrawaddy Dolphin Watching Trip with FH2o"

Yeah, sitting in the same kayak as me, I'll do most of the paddling while the lucky person just sit back n enjoy! Nice huh? ;)

April 19, 2006 3:18 PM  

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