Thursday, October 05, 2006

No frills Hong Kong (Part 2): a photo journal

BO SIKAN adj.,n. no time

Another day in Hong Kong... feels like being trapped in a London Super-Chinatown.

How I know this Spaghetti House is not halal...

Hong Kong is so well sign-posted. Kuching should learn from this city. They even tell people how and where to stand. This was taken at an MTR platform.

Did I say that this city is intense? Everything is conducted at break-neck speed. This woman must be a surgeon during her lunch break.

Space is at a premium here. Even in restaurants. I have so far shared table with complete strangers at every single meal!

To my friends in Kuching, whom I once laughed at for having little choice but to live through the hazy months whereas, I, could escape from it by going to exotic holiday destinations. I beg your forgiveness...

I miss home.

Next entry: Hong Kong at night


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We beat the hongkies!
The API in Kuching yesterday was over 200 ... Malaysia Boleh!

October 05, 2006 10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg!!! you at HK ah?? so enjoy gei...

hey, take more photo and post ya.. hehe...

October 06, 2006 8:51 AM  

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