Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Idol's David Archuleta looks like one of our friends

American Idol Season 7's favourite, David Archuleta, looks very familiar:


Don't you think?
(Alfred E. Newman of MAD magazine)

Like most North Americans, I have been wasting my life following the American Idol episodes. I even know this singer's middle name -James. Sigh, what have I reduced myself to?

It's Idol Gives Back Week this week, so instead of channelling people's hard-earned money to those TV producers and the three stooges (Simon, Paula and Randy), the money will be going to the producers' choice of charities.

This is touted be the biggest charitable event in the US this year, so naturally, I'll be giving away another hour of my microlife to this show.

I know I am being m
ass-manipulated by TV. I'm like a moth flying into the light- I cannot do anything about it. -zzzaapp!

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Blogger mtvcradlerocker said...

What me worry?
Have you seen Rock The Cradle? I think it has a strong possibility of becoming my new favorite show. I got to help out on the show though so I might be a little biased!

April 11, 2008 3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about you Sisuahlai - have you watched Rock the cradle? It is a cool break from the AI judges - ha ha. seriously, a couple of them seem to really have talent. what do you think?

April 21, 2008 10:21 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Such a cutie-pie...!!!! American Idol is the Greatest and most addicting TV Talent Show Ever,,, I have been an avid "American Idol" fan since its inception.I have always had a fascination with great singers. I am a competent singer, but could never have made it as a featured artist.

December 05, 2008 5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha...ha..looking so fuuny but really a good singer and I love American Idol the great musical reality show.

October 30, 2010 3:12 AM  

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