Friday, July 25, 2008

How to boost your blog traffic overnight; and why we have so many free Chelsea-Malaysia football tickets on blogosphere (scared no one wanna see?)

SECRET REVEALED: Tap into China internet user market!

BEIJING, China (AP) -- China says its fast-growing population of Internet users has surpassed the United States to become the world's biggest, with 253 million people on-line at the end of June.

China's Web usage is growing at explosive rates despite government efforts to block access to sites deemed subversive or pornographic. The financial size of China's on-line market trails those of the United States, South Korea and other countries.

The China Internet Network Information Center said Friday the latest figure on Internet users is a 56 percent increase over the same time last year.

According to Nielsen Online, a research firm, the United States had an estimated 223.1 million Internet users in June.

According to CNNIC, China's Internet penetration is still low at just 19.1 percent. (now that is scary!)

But frankly, most of Malaysian and Singaporean bloggers don't give too much for traffic. It is those advertisers who are pestering and championing the need to boost readership bla bla bla. Hence, why do you see so many free Chelsea-Malaysia football tickets floating about on the local blogosphere (given away only after you have written glowing commentary on a product, which most readers and young bloggers do not touch or drink --- ahem, h******ken --- there I just cleared my throat).Everything is tagged to a product these days. Sooner or later, blogs will be all about product placement. Our biggest nightmare coming true, and I am part if it. Damn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catchy headline but with no substance

July 26, 2008 3:41 AM  
Blogger Sisuahlai said...

And why is that surprising? I am taking my cue from the local mainstream news print.

July 26, 2008 9:55 AM  
Blogger Imran Raza said...

how to capture there market of internet users, can you guide more

June 03, 2009 11:57 AM  

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