Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fem-Blog Reading, my favourite vice

LAU NUA v.,n. tasty, or in Kuching-speak, saliva falling down

Lately, I have been spending more time reading people's blogs than writing on my own. My favourite blogs tend to be the ones that offer alternative, semi-rebellious, semi-suicidal views on life. These (disturbed) bloggers are normally people who are too intelligent for their own good.

Hence, their blogs are so much more fun to read. They have unorthodox leisure pursuits that border illegitimacy. You'll find them experimenting with unfiltered tobacco, mentally draining themselves silly with rants about other people's petty faults, or starting an obsession on an obscure subject. I love them. To me, they pack in more humour and intellect than the average joe bloggers.

Blogs on quest for the meaning of life, how to mend broken souls, and other heart wrenching stories take (a far distant) second place on my blog-reading time. I usually read them after I am done reading all the comments on kennysia entries. Coughs.

But now, I have discovered a new blog-love... fem-blog. Call it what you like. Fem-blogs generally focus on seemingly major female issues like nose-jobs, handbags, lousy ex-bfs; issues which men usually (mis)identify as idle chit-chat.

I use the word "focus" loosely here, because focus is usually the last word you'd associate with fem-blogs. They write on anything that take their fancy, from what they had for breakfast to... erm... just about anything. A bit like Sisuahlai you might say.

The fem-blog reigning champion has to be the Queen aka si-bei-kao-tzeng.... wait.... (applause)... wait (dim light) and wait... tah-dah (now spotlight ON!)... Miss XIAXUE. But for me, the new fem-blog of January 2007 would most definitely chik-pak persen have to be....

... Miss anna NICOLE TAN smith.

She describes herself as a simple person and someone who loves to make friends. I swear I heard that before.

I won't call her YOUTUBE pillow talks series insightful. Ok, it's really quite pointless, but they are fun(ny) to watch. She can ramble like her life depends on it. A definite candidate for the Queen of boh su cho-land.

She's such a cute lass, you simply can't find the stomach to crinch at her videos. Her uncontrolled honesty is charming.

I have now added another blogger on my list of people I'd love to meet one day over a fine bowl of Sarawak laksa.


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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Special Parking Spots in Kuching

SAI CHIA v.,n. driving cars
(What about Hokkien for driving you mad?)

Only the most privileged park their vehicles here...

Another person with a special pass...

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Colours After The Storm

GEI adj. easy

A follow-up to my earlier entry on why everyone should blog. It's so easy, all you need is a computer, an internet connection and any device to take pictures (to spice up your story!). And of course, a little imagination helps.

Took this picture from a Nokia 2Mb cam-phone after yesterday's storm in Kuching. Yea, you don't even need a proper camera.

Enjoy the stunning sunset view. That's Mount Serapi in the horizon.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Sui? Are you sure?

SUI adj. beautiful

My sis said, "there is a shop in Kuching with the most ah lian sounding name."

"What is an ah lian sounding name for a shop?" I asked myself. Is that really possible?

She guided me to the place. "There," she pointed.

She was right. I-Sui... si bei ah lian name.


P/s: But this year, I don't want i-Sui, I want an iPhone.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Moral Matters II: Sex Game in Malaysia

KOI HUN v.,n. crossing the (moral) line

I didn't know there were so many easy ways to make money as female school-kids in Malaysia. Apparently, one secondary school in Johor Bahru invented this interesting classroom game. A group of female school-kids get together, they pool their allowances, ranging from RM50 to RM100, and they compete for the sum of the pool money.

The prize: $$$RM$$$

The game: The most one night stands in one month!

Unbelievable. I was briefly envious that there wasn't such game when I was in secondary school. He, he. I had to pinch myself... this is immoral, this is immoral, this is immoral...

I have one question for these group of beh kia si school-girls. How do you verify the one night stand count??

Do you rely on the lucky receivers to file in the claims? If like that, I also want to be a participant. If I was the participating female member, I'll get all the guys I know who are willing to admit to having a one night stands with me, and then just share the pool money without having to sleep with them... amacam, can? Who knows?

But I guess these people have figured out such loop holes, and plugged it with a more genius plan. I really like to find out how they verify the one night stand count...

Sisuahlai curious, but disgusted.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Application rejected!

You're too clever for this job.

Get back to your day job.
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